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URI is a PowerShell module that provides robust functions for parsing, constructing, and manipulating URIs. It offers easy-to-use commands to:

  • Parse URL query strings into hashtables.
  • Convert hashtables (or dictionaries) into properly URL-encoded query strings.
  • Build complete URIs from base addresses, path segments, query parameters, and fragments—with automatic handling of URL encoding per RFC3986.


This module uses the following external resources: - The PSModule framework for building, testing, and publishing the module.


To install the module from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following commands:

Install-PSResource -Name Uri
Import-Module -Name Uri


The URI module includes several functions to work with URIs. Below are common use cases and examples:

1. Parsing a Query String

Use ConvertFrom-UriQueryString to convert a URL query string into a hashtable of parameters. This function decodes percent-encoded characters and handles duplicate keys by returning an array of values.

# Example: Parsing a query string with multiple values for the same key.
$parsed = ConvertFrom-UriQueryString -Query 'name=John%20Doe&age=30&age=40'

Expected Output:

Name                           Value
----                           -----
name                           John Doe
age                            {30, 40}

2. Constructing a Query String

Use ConvertTo-UriQueryString to convert a hashtable (or dictionary) of parameters into a URL-encoded query string. If a value is an array, multiple key-value pairs will be generated.

# Example: Converting a hashtable of parameters into a query string.
$queryString = ConvertTo-UriQueryString -Query @{ foo = 'bar'; search = 'hello world'; ids = 1,2,3 }

Expected Output:


3. Building a Complete URI

Use New-Uri to construct a URI by combining a base URI with optional path segments, query parameters, and a fragment.

# Example 1: Building a URI with a base and a path.
$uri = New-Uri -BaseUri '' -Path 'products/item'

Expected Output (as a [System.Uri] object):

AbsoluteUri :
# Example 2: Constructing a URI while merging existing query parameters.
$uriString = New-Uri '' -Query @{ year = 2024; sort = 'asc' } -MergeQueryParameters -AsString

Expected Output:


For more detailed documentation about each function and additional examples, please refer to the documentation folder in the repository or view the detailed help in PowerShell:

Get-Help ConvertFrom-UriQueryString -Detailed
Get-Help ConvertTo-UriQueryString -Detailed
Get-Help New-Uri -Detailed


Contributions are welcome—whether you're a user or a developer!

For Users

If you encounter issues, unexpected behavior, or have feature requests, please submit a new issue via the repository's Issues tab.

For Developers

We appreciate your help in making this module even better. Please review our Contribution Guidelines before submitting pull requests. You can start by picking up an existing issue or proposing new features or improvements.